AE86irl leaves its mark on Portlaoise
They say that good things come to those that wait and that certainly proved to be the case with AE86irl’s one and only meet of 2010. After trying to secure various venues and several false starts things weren’t looking good. But our determination paid off and with our newly appointed events team we managed to secure a date at a spot that is nothing short of a mecca for twincam owners! Just look at it …..
But as is typical things didn’t go smoothly, in the week previous to the meet we were greeted with this:
…nice for pictures… but for over 100 tail happy 86’s trying to make their way to Portlaoise… not so much.
But after much debate over whether or not to cancel things we got further proof that the weather gods have a thing for rusty old Toyotas and for the weekend of the meet the snow decided to go back to wherever it came from, leaving us almost perfect conditions!
My AE86 weekend started on Saturday with Willie (williep12) and Kyle (twincamdill) setting things up for the day ahead – after much debate and bouts of frostbite! – we decided to set up both a small drift course and a freestyle/diffing area… and of course we made fully sure to test the facilities 🙂 before leaving the scene set for the following days mayhem.
Sunday started out cold and icey but thankfully it was dry. It’s only fair that after all of his help WillieP who was one of the first to arrive on Sun morning gets the first picture. After having the pleasure of driving this machine the previous evening I am in complete awe – Has to be the best n/a 16v 4age in the country. I was tempted to post an engine bay pic but this is a family website !
It wasn’t long until the live action started and mondo aka ‘that jammy bastard’ seemed to be having a good time in his 4age kp.
Speaking of starlets this machine was a real eyecatcher and is exactly how a paddy-spec KP should be done.
Despite the cold weather there was plenty of nice arses to look at….
And the front ends didn’t disappoint either…..
Crowd favourite retro head was on hand to provide plenty of entertainment on our drift course. We got good feedback but complaints of lots of sore arms … so maybe a little wider next time.
On the other side of the live action area it was business as usual and the smell of dying nangkangs could be got for miles around.
Fitting magnets to the wings didn’t go well…
After hearing the roar of 4ages and the masses of tyre smoke my granny decided to pop over for a look.
And someones granny even came all the way up from Cork to show off her starlet more-door – has to be said though seeing these two together was a cool sight and in a country filled with 2door KP’s its nice to see something different.
But it doesn’t get much cooler than seeing these 3 together … all in different states of tune – seeing the 3 of them out putting on a show together has to be a first in this country.
Another favourite was this Supra which drew crowds all day…
As did this TE71 which looked plain evil!
Back to twincams… although I normally don’t like kitted 86’s this car works for me and the wheels were immense.
Keeping with JDM theme site member TRD Girl’s trueno looked really neat sitting pretty on P1’s with a midnight purple paint job.
Luckily this battle scarred R/O/B Levin managed to escape a more serious injury.
At the other end of the spectrum it was my first time to see the famous MCL since it’s restoration and sure enough it didn’t disappoint…
MCL also convinced its buddy SRO to make an appearance.
The spot the difference competition went down well….. And seeing these two made me fall in love with black UK’s all over again.
…. But then again there is always early spec R/O/B’s !
And if engine bays are your thing there were plenty on show … None better that site member Apex Diff’s, each time I see this car I notice something different.. Top job !
So there you have it a great day out and has to be up there with the very best AE86irl meets we have had to date. Recession or not this small Island has some of the very best 86’s and retro Toyota’s this side of Japan and it was great to see them out in force. I’d like to thank everybody who made the day a success, in particular the owner of the yard, Martin and all of his staff and all going well we will have an announcement on our next meet very soon. 2010 went out with a bang for AE86irl and have no doubt 2011 will be our best year yet.
pics: Various site members
Great write up paddy. It was a great day out and we where very lucky with the way the weather went. Cant wate for the next one 🙂
Job well done that day lads and the best part i reckon myself is the fact thats it Portlaois i think its central to everyone if you’re coming from Cork or Donegal, Galway or even Dublin its the same distance for everyone. Nice write up by the way i just hope next time round i’ll have my own cam under my arse.